COVID-19 Resources
NAMI National:
Response to COVID - 19
Coronavirus: Mental Health Coping Strategies
NAMI Ohio:
COVID-19 Guide
Response to COVID-19
Ohio Department of Health

February 4, 2021
As we continue into 2021, we want our community to know that we are still here for you. We are continuing to keep in mind the safety of folks so we will remain virtual until further notice. But, we are still continuing to provide FREE and VIRTUAL programming to all Wood County residents. To see our upcoming programs, click here! We are still available by phone (419-352-0626) and email ( As always, there are crisis lines available in Wood County during this stressful time:
- The Wood County Crisis Line: 419-502-HOPE (4673)
- The Crisis Text Line: text “NAMI” to 741-741
- Dial 2-1-1 to be connected to resources for mental health treatment, housing, legal services, and any other resources you may need during this time.
Remember, you are not alone.
November 23, 2020
Wood County Community,
What a year it has been in 2020! Each and every day, we get new updates, not only on the pandemic, but also other happenings in the community, which may not always be positive. From COVID-19 to the election and civil unrest in many communities, including Wood County, these past several months have been difficult for many individuals.
As cold weather quickly approaches, we at NAMI Wood County wanted to share that we are still here for you. We know that less sunshine and colder days and nights can be challenging for folks in our community when it comes to their mental health, but we want you to know, there are still supports available during these hard times. At NAMI Wood County:
- Someone will be at the office to answer the phone from 9a.m.-5p.m., get mail and deliveries, and answer emails. You can contact us at and 419-352-0626.
- We are continuing to host classes and support groups on our online platform, and will continue to do so for the time being.
If you need crisis services, there are options available to help you with these needs. These include:
- The Wood County Crisis Line: 419-502-HOPE (4673)
- The Crisis Text Line: text “NAMI” to 741-741
- Dial 2-1-1 to be connected to resources for mental health treatment, housing, legal services, and any other resources you may need during this time.
You can also visit our resources page for additional agencies you can help you with various needs at the local, state, and national level.
No matter what happens, our values at NAMI Wood County will not change. We will be united by one cause: to build better lives for all people affected by mental illness.
In the meantime, we will be here for you. You are not alone.
Take care,
September 1, 2020
Wood County Community,
Here at NAMI Wood County we have been slowing trying to get things "back to normal". Some things for you all to be aware of:
- Someone is here to answer the phone from 9am-5pm, get mail and deliveries, and meet with a few community members.
- We are still hosting our classes and support groups on our online platform. This will continue for a few more months yet.
- Other events are being planned as socially distanced or virtual. Like our AfterBurn. Please take a look at our website and sign up.
If you need us, we're here! We look forward to seeing you in a group, class, or at the AfterBurn!
Take Care,
June 5, 2020
To All Our Supporters, Advocates, and Educators:
We want to begin by saying we sincerely appreciate all the support we have received during these stressful times. We have hosted many successful virtual events, classes, and support groups, including our PreBurn, the first virtual 5K at NAMI Wood County. Thank you all for your constant support to our organization!
We will still be hosting classes and support groups that are currently scheduled for the month of June through our video conferencing system. To sign up for classes or find out more information on support groups, please email, call 419-352-0626, or visit our website for more information on all events.
Through all the constant changes happening within the state of Ohio and Wood County, NAMI Wood County wants you to know that while our office is closed to the community, we are still here for you. Staff will be working in the office periodically to answer emails and phone calls.
We plan to continue to provide resources and information through our social media and other media outlets to continue keeping everyone physically, and especially mentally, safe during these unprecedented times. We appreciate all the support we have received during these times and plan to continue operating the best we possibly can to serve the Wood county community’s mental health needs.
Continue taking the times to make sure your mental health needs are being met. There are number of resources available for our community. Some of these include, but are not limited to:
- The Wood County Crisis Line 419-502-HOPE (4673)
- Text “4HOPE” at the Crisis Text Line by messaging 741-741.
- Dial 2-1-1 to be connected to any additional resources and referrals including mental health treatment today, or any other resources you may need during this time.
As we continue into our new “normal,” we want to remind folks to continue showing compassion and kindness towards others as we navigate this situation together. We are all in this together.
Take Care,
Jessica Schmitt-Hartman, Executive Director
April 28, 2020
To All Our Supporters, Advocates, and Educators:
As most are aware, as of April 27, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine has released a new update regarding the state’s response to COVID-19. For more information on this response, please visit:
As staff we will continue our business virtually. As the month continues, we will reevaluate the situation keeping in mind the updates from the state. It is our goal to keep our board, staff, and all visitors safe but keeping our physical office closed until further notice. Again, we are available remotely. We will still be hosting classes and support groups that are currently scheduled for the month of May through our Go-To-Meeting video conferencing system. To sign up for classes or find out more information on support groups, please email, call 419-352-0626, or visit our website for more information on all events.
We plan to continue to provide resources and information through our social media and other media outlets to continue keeping everyone physically, and especially mentally, safe during these unprecedented times. We appreciate all the support we have received during these times and plan to continue operating the best we possible can to serve the Wood county community’s mental health needs.
Continue taking the times to make sure your mental health needs are being met. There are number of resources available for our community. Some of these include, but are not limited to:
- The Wood County Crisis Line 419-502-HOPE (4673)
- Text “4HOPE” at the Crisis Text Line by messaging 741-741.
- Dial 2-1-1 to be connected to any additional resources and referrals including mental health treatment today, or any other resources you may need during this time.
Please visit our social media pages, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, for more updates, coping skill tips, and more to help during these stressful times. Additionally, our YouTube Channel has various updates from other agencies and organizations on what they have been doing during this pandemic. Please watch those to learn more about all the immense efforts made by folks in our community.
As we go forward, mental health issues may still be on the forefront of individuals’ minds. Times are changing, and new “norms” are quickly evolving around us. We would like to encourage our community to continue showing compassion and kindness towards others as we navigate this situation together in Wood county. Remember, your physical health is just as important as your mental health.
Take Care,
Jessica Schmitt-Hartman, Executive Director
April 1, 2020
Wood County Community,
We are now at two weeks of working remotely. BUT, we are still here for you! The phones, emails, and web questions are being answered.
If you would like to chat with someone that may understand your situation more, check out a group. Classes are still enrolling people as well. Feel free to sign up for one of those on our website, links provided above.
Our other events are either postponed or canceled. Please follow the links above to check that out. We have tried to postpone all of our events, but due to timing and the social distancing orders, we have had to unfortunately cancel some events. At this point the annual dinner, and conference series are postponed to later dates.
We hope you stay mentally healthy during this time of unprecedented stress.
Take care,
March 20, 2020
Hello Wood County Community!
I wanted to let you all know that we have moved our support groups online and have increased the frequency to weekly for most groups. We are also offering a brief daily check in for folks.
To participate, follow the link provided below. You do not need a smart phone or computer - it is available by calling the toll free numbers as well.
In the meantime, reach out if you need something.
Take care,
March 16, 2020
Dear NAMI Wood County Supporters and Friends:
By public health authorities across the nation, state, and county as well as NAMI Ohio, we will be moving to an all online platform for our support groups during the month of March 2020. We are still available for support during this very stressful time for our community, but in a way that takes into consideration the health of everyone involved.
We will reevaluate based on the status of the current public health situation concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and will put an announcement out to the public by Tuesday, March 31, 2020 in regard to the status of our scheduled programming.
Please stay up-to-date with information via our website, social media, and emails, and feel free to contact us at 419-352-0626 or email with any questions.
In the meantime, we will be offering all of our support groups via Go To Meeting, an online video chat service free of charge to users. Again, please email to opt into this or visit the support group page for more information.
NAMI Wood County understands that the public health situation concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus) may be causing anxiety and worry among individuals. Some other reactions and feelings that may happen as this situation unfolds can include difficulty concentrating and sleeping, anger, hyper-vigilance to your body and health, social withdrawal, and feeling helplessness. While this health issue is being taken very seriously by public health authorities, do not let your worry about this virus control your life. Below are some simple and effective ways to manage fears and anxieties:
- Get the facts: Check credible news sources such as the Center for Disease Control for the latest updates.
- Keep things in perspective: Limit worry and agitation by lessening the time you spend watching or listening to upsetting media coverage. Although, you’ll want to keep informed – especially if you have loved ones in affected countries – remember to take a break from watching the news and focus on the things that are positive in your life and things you have control over
- Be mindful of your assumptions about others: Someone who has a cough or fever does not necessarily have coronavirus. Self-awareness is important in not stigmatizing others in our community.
- Stay healthy: Adopting healthy hygienic habits such as washing hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, frequently, and certainly after sneezing or before/after touching your face or a sick person. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Avoid contact with others who are sick and stay home while sick.
- Keep connected: Maintaining social networks can help maintain a sense of normalcy, and provide valuable outlets for sharing feelings and relieving stress.
- Seek additional help: Individuals who feel an overwhelming worry or anxiety can seek additional professional mental health support.
For more information on managing stress and mental health regarding this public health situation, please visit NAMI or Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
We understand that there may be additionally stressors caused due to this public health crisis that may lead people to thoughts of hurting or killing themselves. It is a very stressful and difficult time for many individuals in our community, but NAMI Wood County wants you to know that you are not alone. For immediate assistance, please call the Wood County Crisis Line 419-502-HOPE (4673) or text “NAMI” at the Crisis Text Line by messaging 741-741. Dial 2-1-1 to be connected to any additional resources and referrals including mental health treatment today, or any other resources you may need during this time.
Remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical health. You are not alone.
Take care,
Jessica Schmitt-Hartman, Executive Director