NAMI Wood County works to inspire a move away from illness, stigma, and ignorance toward brighter days filled with hope, health, and recovery. Your contribution makes this work possible.
By purchasing an annual sponsorship, you can help us keep programming free, phone answered, and support groups meeting.
What is Included in Your Sponsorship?
- Top Level Sponsor (Platinum and Gold Levels):
- Signage, verbal announcement and event media recognition (digital and print publications) at three annual fundraisers, company logo on website homepage, company logo on AfterBurn event t-shirt, and company shout-out in 1 NAMI Education Series webinar and 1 Stigma Busters podcast.
- Complimentary registration(s) for Mental Health Conference Series or AfterBurn*
- NAMI Wood County shirt(s)
- Invitation to our Annual Dinner
- Advertisement in our Mental Health Conference Series program
- Evidence-based mental health presentation(s) facilitated by trained NAMI Wood County staff
- Team(s) of 4 with lunch for Drive out the Stigma Golf Outing
- Mid Level Sponsor (Silver and Bronze):
- Signage, verbal announcement and event media recognition (digital and print publications) at three annual fundraisers
- Complimentary registrations(s) for Mental Health Conference Series or AfterBurn*
- Free NAMI Wood County shirt(s)
- Invitation to our Annual Dinner
- Advertisement in our Mental Health Conference Series program
- Evidence-based mental health presentation(s) facilitated by trained NAMI Wood County staff
*If you do not wish to receive tickets towards NAMI Wood County events, you can donate your tickets back for individuals to attend on your behalf.
What are the Trainings Offered with Sponsorships?
Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Click here to learn more.
Interested in becoming a member of NAMI Wood County?
NAMI Member Benefits
- NAMI Advocate magazine
- NAMI Ohio newsletter
- NAMI Wood County Cable newsletter and Cable-lite e-newsletter
- Discounted rate at the National Convention
- Discounts on items in the NAMI Store
- Full access to information on and their online discussion groups!!
- Other discounts to NAMI Wood County events
Are you a current member and need to update your information? Click here to update your information.