In All Community Members, Programs by NAMI Wood County

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Workshop is free of charge, a self-designed, course on identifying your personal wellness tools. WRAP was developed by Mary Ann Copeland. Your WRAP program is designed by you in practical, day-to-day terms, and holds the key to getting and staying well. It does not necessarily replace traditional treatments, but can be used as a complement to any other treatment options you have chosen.

While developing your own WRAP, you'll identify the Wellness Tools that will most benefit you. You will learn how to use these tools when needed; every day, or when you have particular feelings or experiences. WRAP will help you notice when things seem to be off-balance in your life, and help you coordinate effective ways to get back to feeling your best. WRAP planning also includes Crisis Planning, an Advance Directive that lets others know how you want them to respond when you cannot make decisions, take care of yourself, or keep yourself safe. You will also develop a Post Crisis plan to guide you through the often difficult time when you are healing from a crisis.

We also offer WRAP for youth and children. WRAP can assist children navigate through challenging experiences, including: making friends, responding to peer pressure, managing schoolwork, and dealing with home and family challenges. If you are interested in learning more about WRAP for youth and children, you can contact NAMI Wood County by calling 419-352-0626 or e-mailing info@namiwoodcounty.org

1 Step 1
Register for the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Workshop
Our next WRAP Workshop is Thursday, May 1st and Friday, May 2nd from 10:00AM-4:00PM at the NAMI Wood County office.
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Individual Sessions

    Not able to make a workshop?

    Schedule a WRAP one-on-one session by calling our office at (419) 352-0626 or emailing info@namiwoodcounty.org.

    Learn More About WRAP